Animals Make it Fun to be Quiet
Let's face it: kids love wild animals. The habitats. The sounds. The exotic things they do. Noise Controller uses animals to gamify the challenge of keeping quiet. When students know they'll scare the animals away if they're too loud, they try harder to keep the noise at an animal-friendly level.
Customize it to Your Needs
Sometimes it's okay to make noise! That's why you can adjust the listening sensitivity of Noise Controller on the fly. Playing a louder learning game? Time for music class? Having a party? Don't worry! Simply adjust Noise Controller to account for the extra noise without scaring off the animals your students have worked so hard to attract.
Save Progress of Different Classes
Don't start from scratch every time, unless you want to. Your class's progress and animal status is always saveable so they can keep progressing day after day. Plus, if you teach more than one group of students, Noise Controller makes it easy to create multiple classes and keep their individual progress saved seperately. This is great for challenging classes against each other, or just to keep things more organized for yourself.